
Learn SQL with simple, interactive exercises.

Inside Modern Browsers
In this 4-part blog series, we'll look inside the Chrome browser from high-level architecture to the specifics of the rendering pipeline. If you ever wondered...

What PWA Can Do Today
A showcase of what is possible with Progressive Web Apps today.

Figma 101
Learn the basics of Figma in one hour for FREE with twelve fast-paced videos.

Dark Patterns
Discover a variety of dark pattern examples, sorted by category, to better understand deceptive design practices.

PHP for Beginners
We all start somewhere. For programming, this series is that first step. I've designed it specifically for newcomers to, not just PHP, but programming in...

We're kinda like Netflix, but for developers! Push your programming skills to the next level, through expert screencasts on PHP, Laravel, Vue, and so much more.

Divjoy React Generator
React codebase generator. Build SaaS projects 10x faster with Divjoy handling all the integration details. From routing to React hooks, you'll have everything...

Educational Sensational Inspirational Foundational
A historical record of foundational web development blog posts.

Knights of the Flexbox Table
Welcome to the Knights of the Flexbox table. A game where you can help Sir Frederic Flexbox and his friends to uncover the treasures hidden in the Tailwind CSS...

Flavio Copes Handbooks
Free handbooks for for learning to code with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Go, Svelte, PHP, React, Command Line, Next.js, Express, Node.js, Swift, Python and C!

Free Books for Designers
Free eBooks to help you develop creative and design skills.

A methodology to help you write human-friendly CSS. C3 (Component, Child, Context) is a methodology for writing CSS, centred around a selector naming...

Complete Guide to Media Queries
Media queries are what make modern responsive design possible. With them you can set different styling based on things like a users screen size, device...

HTML tutorials "and stuff". Everything HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the most common languages used in making web pages.

Build your own React
Rewrite React from scratch. Step by step. Following the architecture from the real React code but without all the optimizations and non-essential features.

The Typing of the RegEX
Do you dare to discover the horrors that await! Test your RegEX skills with this challenging game.

Web Browser Engineering
Web browsers are ubiquitous, but how do they work? This book explains, building a basic but complete web browser, from networking to JavaScript, in a thousand...

Improve your programming skills while having fun and building up profiles for recruitment.

Oh My Git!
An open source game about learning Git! Oh My Git! is an open source game that introduces players to the popular version control system "Git". It is highly...

The Cursed Computer Iceberg
This is not a hall of shame. The intent is to awaken you to many of the peculiarities and weirdness of computers. Hopefully, after reading these articles, you...

Guess CSS!
Do you think you know CSS? Here’s a game to test your knowledge!

HTTP Status Codes
httpstatuses.com is an easy to reference database of HTTP Status Codes with their definitions and helpful code references all in one place.

Can I Include?
Check if a chosen HTML tag can be nested inside another HTML tag according to the spec.

CUBE CSS is a CSS methodology that’s orientated towards simplicity, pragmatism and consistency. It’s designed to work with the medium that you’re working...

cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for...

Regex Crossword
A fun spin practicing regex. Build your skills by playing Regex Crossword.

Flexbox Defense
Your job is to stop the incoming enemies from getting past your defenses. Unlike other tower defense games, you must position your towers using CSS!

Learn Eleventy From Scratch
In this Eleventy (opens new window)course, we go from a completely empty directory to a full-blown marketing site for a design agency, and along the way, we...

Learn CSS Grid
Learn CSS Grid with Wes Bos in 25 "pretty good" videos. From fundamentals to real world in about 4 hours.

Explain Shell
Write down a command-line command to see the help text that matches each argument.

Cloudflare TV
A 24x7 live stream video channel focused on general and technical topics related to building a better Internet.

Lightning-Fast Web Performance
A free online lecture course by Scott Jehl. Learn to analyze site performance, fix issues, monitor for regressions, and deliver fast, responsive designs from...

CSS Hell
Collection of common CSS mistakes, and how to fix them.

Shift Nudge UI Checklist
101 UI Checklist items available as a free Notion template.

Learn Git Branching
"Learn Git Branching" is the most visual and interactive way to learn Git on the web; you'll be challenged with exciting levels, given step-by-step...

Design Vault
Design Vault is a curated library of screenshots & interaction patterns from the world's best digital products. Gain insights, explore trends and understand...

Can’t Unsee
Can't Unsee is a test of your attention to detail in UI design. Choose the "correct" version with an eye for pixel perfection. How high can you score?

RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp).

Ethical Design Handbook
A practical handbook on ethical design for digital products. With practical techniques to make honest interfaces work for digital products.

Talk Python Podcast
A podcast on Python and related technologies. Learn python from start to finish.

Rico’s Cheatsheets
Handy cheat sheets for a huge array of web technologies.

Interneting is Hard
Friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners.

HTML Elements Reference
Handy guide to every HTML element there is. Replace your divs with more semantic markup.

Operator Lookup
Enter a JavaScript operator to learn more about it.

JavaScript Utilities in single line of code, no more!

Design Systems Checklist
An open-source checklist to help you plan, build and grow your design system.

Flexbox Cheatsheet
A simple visual cheat sheet for Flexbox.

Webbed Briefs
Brief videos about the web, its technologies, and how to make the most of them.

30 Seconds of Interviews
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.

Flexbox Zombies
Dead tired of looking up Flexbox? Flexbox is incredibly powerful. But it's also crazy hard to learn well. So we all end up depending on a cheat sheet and some...

CSS Diner
A valuable (and fun!) interactive challenge to help learn CSS selectors.

Learn to code — for free. Build projects. Earn certifications.

Sass Cheatsheet
Handy cheat sheet for writing CSS with Sass.

Modern CSS Solutions
Modern CSS solutions for old CSS problems by Stephanie Eckles.

Front-line PHP
Building modern applications with PHP 8 eBook by Spatie.

Every Layout
Relearn CSS layout. Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS.

Checklist Design
A collection of the best design practices compiled in to handy checklists.

Fiverr Learn
On-demand online courses to learn skills for freelancing.

Web Skills
Web development learning roadmap with resource links.

Jamstack Explorers
Free Jamstack courses from Netlify.

Josh W Comeau
Development blog focusing on React, animation, CSS and JavaScript. Great learning resource with interactive articles.

DEV Community
Beginner-friendly community blogging platform.

Landing page inspiration gallery.

Frontend Practice
A collection of real websites to recreate for practice with hints and tips.

The Design of Forms in Government Departments
A digitally remastered book first published in 1962 on the design of forms in the UK Government.

Flavio Copes
Software engineer content creator covering huge array of disciplines with lots of free content.

Refactoring UI
Learn how to design awesome UIs by yourself using specific tactics explained from a developer's point-of-view.

Website Launch Checklist
Launch your next web project with complete confidence!

SkillWise Online Design Courses
Get awesome deals on online design courses from SkillWise.

SkillWise Online Development Courses
Get awesome deals on web & app development courses online.

Screen Size Map
An interactive map of screen sizes for responsive and adaptive design.

Learn to code by playing games.

Open Source Guide
Open source software is made by people just like you. Learn how to launch and grow your project.

Every Layout
If you find yourself wrestling with CSS layout, it’s likely you’re making decisions for browsers they should be making themselves. Through a series of...

Easily generate fake data for populating your mockups and testing your applications.

Flexbox Froggy
Welcome to Flexbox Froggy, a game where you help Froggy and friends by writing CSS code!

Grid Garden
Welcome to Grid Garden, where you write CSS code to grow your carrot garden! Water only the areas that have carrots by using the grid-column-start property.

CSS Grid Generator
You can set the numbers, and units of your columns and rows, and I'll generate a CSS grid for you! Drag within the boxes to create divs placed within the grid.

These days CSS-Tricks is really about building websites and all that entails, mostly from a front-end perspective. We have staff writers (see below) and loads...

MDN Web Docs
Mozilla Developer Network. Resources for developers, by developers.

Modern JavaScript
How it's done now. From the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.

Automated code review for Git.

CodePen Challenges
Challenges are fun opportunities for leveling up your skills by building things. Each week, you’ll get a new prompt surrounding a monthly theme to riff on....

Daily UI
Daily UI is a series of daily design challenges design inspiration and neat surprise rewards.

Archetype lets designers like you very quickly and easily create consistent typography styling and spacing live, in the browser. These styles are all...

A pocket guide to master every day’s typographic adventures.

The A11Y Project
A community-driven effort to make web accessibility easier.

Low Vision
Test your website with simulated vision impairments.

Accessibility Guidelines
Making work accessible creates a better experience across the board. Use this checklist to help build accessibility into your process no matter your role or...

JavaScript 30
Build 30 things in 30 days using vanilla JavaScript with this free course from Wes Bos. Designed for beginner to Intermediate developers and designers who want...

PHP: The Right Way
PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP popular coding standards, links to authoritative tutorials around the web and what the...

A free guide to HTML5 elements.

What The Flexbox?!
A simple, free 20 video course that will help you master CSS Flexbox! Created by Wes Bos.

CodeNewbie Podcast
Stories from people on their coding journey.

Glitch is a friendly community for for developers of all skill levels to create, share and experiment and with tools and code using an intuitive cloud IDE.

Mindful Design
Mindful Design presents a responsible deep dive into the areas of cognitive psychology and neuroscience that can most improve design. If you want to start...

How DNS works
How DNS Works by DNSimple is a cute, engaging comic exploring the inner workings of the global domain name system.
But wait, there's more! 

Check out the sidebar menu (or tap the in the bottom right on mobiles) to search and browse by tag.