The Geocities-izer
Type any URL in the box below and click Submit to see how it would look as a Geocities page.
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A place to find all those lost pages worth finding. 404 inspiration gallery.

Slash Pages
A guide to common pages you can add to your website. Slash pages are common pages you can add to your website, usually with a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe the individual behind the site and are distinguishing characteristics of the IndieWeb.

We rendered over 1 million of the web's top homepages. This is the result. Zoom, pan and click to explore - like Google Maps.

Design Playlists
Discover what designers are listening to while they focus.

Nekoweb is a free static website hosting service, created in 2024 by a group of coders, programmers and artists, passionate for the old web and personal websites. Social media is too limiting. We believe that everyone should be able to freely express themselves in their own little corner of the web, without having to worry about things like algorithms, tracking, or advertisements. Nekoweb is free of any advertisements, and is run completely by donations from its users.

Cbox Live Chat
A free chatbox for your site. Cbox is an embedded real-time chat web app. It's perfect for live-streaming, online communities and events.

Create your own free website. Unlimited creativity, zero ads. Neocities is a social network of 644,000 web sites that are bringing back the lost individual creativity of the web. We offer free static web hosting and tools that allow you to create your own web site. Join us!
But wait, there's more! 

Check out the sidebar menu (or tap the in the bottom right on mobiles) to search and browse by tag.